Welcome to My Blog
Here is a masonry blog layout with no sidebarReinvent the Writing Wheel or Call A Ghostwriter
Good to See You Again, Hemingway
I have truly enjoyed writing with the Hemingway editor for the past few years. The narrow options fit my desired writing style. Thus, I’m never (or seldom) offended by change recommendations. Understand that sometimes I don’t take the advice. I gladly paid for the...
Going Tubeless
Starting Near the Middle "Protein and Calories" remains our chant. We are now super cognizant of nutrition in the elderly body. You may be just as aware. Skin issues (boils, ingrown hairs, zits, blisters) can become abscesses. Our skin is the largest organ in our...
Diary at Bar JD — April 2024
A Newer Classic? Diary for April, 2024 — first day, 04/11/24, is a big of stream of thought (may or may not be consciousness). The header on this post reminds me of the Old Kubrick 'default' theme for WordPress. Way back when!! Shortly before Kubrick was retired, I...
Diary at Bar JD — June 2022
June 14, 2022 We've had a few days hit that 100-degree mark or real close. Today is a lovely, cooler day. The tribe has a garden started. LIVE plants, not the silks of the May Diary. There's a lovely pink double rose by the door. I'm pretty sure it is a legacy named...
Diary at Bar JD — May, 2022
Wind Blown The winds are sweeping across Northeastern Colorado 3 AGAIN! Many say this has been an unusually windy spring. But, I remember other winds in other places. We were impressed with those breezes as well. I'm taking some 'self-care steps to cope with the...
Diary at Bar JD – March – 2022
March 21, 2022 After a little over a year, let's begin again. The past two years have been traumatic for everyone. The little details that have converged to mess with my blogging and work are not going to define me, going forward. I suspect little things will pop in...
Diary at Bar JD – March 2021
The Muse — March — Lambs March 1,, 2021 — March is coming in like a lamb which is wonderful compared to the last of February. The Muse is still behaving like a timid lamb! But, there are other things afoot. While the Muse is taking a little more time, I'm catching up...
Diary at Bar JD – February 2021
Muse in Hibernation The writing has been 'ghosting' me for the past couple of months as things change at our house and in my office. I am certain that the longer days of February are going to help waken the muse. Don't kid yourself. I didn't miss the irony of the...
Are we there yet? Travel Tips and Journey Lessons
It's the little things that will get you when traveling! Pandemic Okay, let’s take care of the elephant in the room — Covid 19. Traveling has been more business for us than pleasure. We’ve made over 10 trips across the midwest this summer. We've driven between...
Solving Every Problem Can Do More Damage — One Life for Each of Us
I'm not the sort of person to endure broken things or to limp along. I will fix it. Or change it. Other people do not share my point of view. They NEED their problem. When I fix things for them, I am making their life more difficult. Now they have to go out and...