Going Tubeless

Going Tubeless

Going Tubeless It all takes time! Starting Near the Middle “Protein and Calories” remains our chant.  We are now super cognizant of nutrition in the elderly body. You may be just as aware. Skin issues (boils, ingrown hairs, zits, blisters) can become...
Diary at Bar JD — April 2024

Diary at Bar JD — April 2024

Bar JD Diary - April 2024 This block has a familiar look! A Newer Classic? Diary for April, 2024 — first day, 04/11/24, is a big of stream of thought (may or may not be consciousness).  The header on this post reminds me of the Old Kubrick ‘default’ theme...
Diary at Bar JD — June 2022

Diary at Bar JD — June 2022

June 14, 2022 We’ve had a few days hit that 100-degree mark or real close. Today is a lovely, cooler day. The tribe has a garden started. LIVE plants, not the silks of the May Diary. There’s a lovely pink double rose by the door. I’m pretty sure it...
Diary at Bar JD — May, 2022

Diary at Bar JD — May, 2022

Wind Blown The winds are sweeping across Northeastern Colorado 3 AGAIN! Many say this has been an unusually windy spring. But, I remember other winds in other places. We were impressed with those breezes as well. I’m taking some ‘self-care steps to cope...