Blogging Rocks!
I’ve loved blogging for years. I began blogging in 2004, awhile after many people who were at their keyboards 10 years earlier. During the earlier days of the Internet, blogging leaders shared conversations or journaling. Blogs included serious science and beautiful word art. By 2004, anyone with an internet connection, a keyboard, an email, and an idea could get set up.
Resources such as Blogger and were early free content management systems. These platforms are still available for people who want to get a quick start.
Bloggers soon recognized the potential for a website using the content management system format. The search engines such as Google showed a preference for the format. There are still coded websites out there, but many use the CMS format. My preference for user experience is the free platform at The WordPress system works well for both bloggers and readers.
With Ghostwriting, my blogs have developed another facet of usefulness and pleasure for me.

Cardinal Bluff Reviews
Cardinal Bluff Reviews – BookNotes Review Guide is a free printable available at Subscribers download the printable guide and compose their own reviews as they read.
Readers can get personal reviews about books that I have read. Books which I’ve enjoyed reading get bumped up in the review line. Sometimes there will be reviews of books that weren’t as appealing.
You are certain of a good read. To avoid ‘spoilers’, I write a shorter review of the book, then expand on
- information about the author
- culture of the times
- geography
- links to places that influence the story
A monthly Diary post includes personal bits that aren’t essential to individual reviews. Lighter, fun stuff that makes a sort of newsletter. But a newsletter you can access as we go along instead of having your email box stuffed with personal bits.
Review posts are written for good SEO and readability.
The Legacy Gardens
It saddens me to tell readers that The Legacy Gardens is no longer an active website and blog. There have been some major life changes for us and gardening has taken a backseat in favor of health.
We’re not professional gardeners at The Legacy Gardens. More often, our gardening involves some serious growing wrecks. We learn and share with readers. The therapy of gardening includes the end product of food or flowers. Planting is valuable even with the crop drops off a steep cliff of failure! We want to make it fun, not torture. Some years flowers have been the primary reward from the growing efforts. was originally a portfolio of flower and veggie photos.

Downloads for subscribers include an ebook featuring containers. There are descriptions of various containers used in container gardening. A design to create a container using an empty gallon size milk jug is part of the download.
I like to interview other gardeners with photos of their gardening projects. By the way, if you are a gardener who would like to share your story, please contact me. I review products for the garden and food management.
A monthly diary is in place for bits that contribute but not enough to justify a full blog post. Again the information in the diary wouldn’t fit a newsletter. Readers like to check out the news without the ‘force feed’ of more email.
I save email for other things about my blogs. Email is a valuable part of online marketing and information sharing. I want to treat it right.