The Muse — March — Lambs
March 1,, 2021 — March is coming in like a lamb which is wonderful compared to the last of February. The Muse is still behaving like a timid lamb! But, there are other things afoot.
While the Muse is taking a little more time, I’m catching up on some important training. Snagit and Camtasia certification have been .available to me for quite some time. But, I’ve been remiss in taking up the studies. Stupid thing to do since I’ve been paying for that opportunity! Revelation has come while the Muse is keeping quiet!
March 22, 2021
March has been moving along with typical tempest. We’ve had some impressive cold and wet weather. Makes working on the outside project difficult. Makes a person want to curl up with a good book and just skip it all. Oh, well, one week to go. There are some good things coming to Cardinal Bluff. Lin Stepp has two new books coming out on April 1 and that’s no April Fool! Watch for DOWNSIZING, A Mountain Home Series, and Edisto Song, The Edisto Series. The two novels, wholesome reading are stand-alone stories with the series being focused on location and community. They add a nice touch to the New Releases category at Cardinal Bluff.
March 23, 2021
Showers are opening this Tuesday morning. I’m wishing spring would be a little more timid. The grass is growing in the Missouri yards. I had hoped we would be moved before lawn time! As we were loading things, we euthanized the lawn mower. The deck went to a recycle gatherer while the tractor part headed for Colorado to be part of future projects.
Hibernation knitting created some fingerless mitts that I wish I had this morning. Unfortunately, they are carefully packed. They aren’t GONE, but are tucked away in a room where my husband is still sleeping. Wisdom says to tough it out and leave them there in the hope that they can be on the road to their new home in a few days. If I get them out, they contribute to the ‘mess’ that I’m trying desperately to pack for moving. Ear warmers with a twist are other favorite projects this winter. I knit while we drive our belongings to a new home. As a passenger, I find it difficult to stay awake. If I don’t have needles in my hands, I often have FOOD. A fine accumulation of balaclavas, ear warmers, mitts, Swiffer covers, toe socks for ankle/foot/leg injuries, baby booties and shawls, and ONE test sock have poured from the ends of my hooks and needles.
Today’s journals haven’t been the big THREE morning pages recommended, but they are an incredible move forward out of hibernation. The muse is awakening. And it is time to take the dog outside into the rain. After a bit of breakfast, we will pack and write.
March 24, 2021
Past mid-morning already. I’ve not been blogging, but working behind the scenes with affiliates and ads!
Bar JD has been changing from past virtual assistant tasks toward a specialty of writing. Most particularly helping other people get their story written while I remain a guiding shadow. I work with people using various tools. Snagit and Camtasia from have been in my tool box for several years. I’ve taken advantage of the opportunity to get certification in both programs. Snagit Certification is in place and I’m working on Camtasia. Because I have the software license, I’ve bumbled through using them since day one. There are some things in the certification sessions that I already knew. Other pieces are beautifully new. I’m going through the sessions with a view point of ‘rank beginner’. No arguments, just pay attention and learn more! I highly recommend both Snagit and Camtasia. For quick screengrabs, I have also enjoyed using the free (and less endowed) screen capture tool from TechSmith known as JING. Due to changes in technology, JING is being retired and replaced with CAPTURE. The download will still be free with several nice fringe benefits. CAPTURE (previously JING) is a great place to begin figuring out your screen capture needs.
March 25, 2021
Is your story being blocked? Many things can come between you and the words’ release. I’ve found that easing back can help. Getting a clear look at the BLOCK can be revealing.
You can change the outcome of a writer’s block nightmare! Changing the dream from a STOPPING BLOCK to a BLOCK OF IDEAS works! Your story is worth the work.